George Walker Bush's conservatives were mostly Jewish and considered to be NeoConservative or NeoCons. They put together a plan called "The Project for a New American Century" in which one of its documents was titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses," in which it states: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor." This sentence implicates those who authored it as complicit in the 9/11 event. George Bush was selected to be president of the United States to oversee 9/11 and carry out the attacks against Iraq and Afghanistan. A plan was in place to attack 7 countries in 5 years. The completed copy of the Patriot Act was on George Bush's desk 2 days prior to the 9/11 event. They planned to cut back freedom for Americans long before the staged 9/11 event happened. Subsequently the NDAA was passed, The National Defence Authorization Act which gave egregious powers to detain American citzens without Posse Comitatus, without due process, without any rights at all. Obama was no better. He wrote executive order after executive order giving FEMA the right to seize property, and numerous other controls in what seemed anticipation for Marshal Law. George Bush posed as the right wing Republican and Obama posed as the liberal left Democrat. They were both two wings of a dirty bird. Obama was chosen also, not elected. The world was in peril. The fabric of the system that held the free world together was slashed and torn, but the veil that covered it remained...