9/11 is a day that will live in infamy but the year is 2023, 22 years since the events unfolded and people are strikingly apathetic to the whole thing. It's like they moved on from the biggest most epic thing to happen in our lifetimes (shy of WWIII) and they've long since forgotten that day. I keep pushing because I have proof that there were no planes on 9/11 and if I can get that message out I will have succeeded.

What is so heinous is that a monumental conspiracy was perpetrated on the entire world with rights and freedoms being taken away, illegal wars waged against innocent people, and the bullshit story narrative they stuffed down our throats because we watched the news and the news doesn't lie. (YES IT DOES!!!) Not to mention the scare tactic of Terrorism and impending attacks. The DHS, the TSA, and Guantanamo Bay were all a fraud. We listened to George Bush lie after lie about September 11th and the Iraq war. It's hideous knowing now what I do, with proof to back it up. These people in government were treasonous evil scum. They are traitors to your country, and to the World.


It is estimated that 200 people jumped to their demise, what with faced with severe heat, smoke, and explosions going off in the buildings. People jumped at a consistent rate from the onset.