You can contact me James Easton at

I've been at this a long time and I have a solid understanding of what went on that day. I am in no mood to debate issues with people who haven't done their homework. On this site I lay it out as it is, as I see it over the past 9 years. I may have started late but I got up to speed right quick and I have been prolific in sending out a message to any who will hear it, There were no planes. For some it's a hard thing to wrap their heads around. But there is ample proof and many things contradict the official account. It's not hard to figure out what 2.3 trillion can buy in the way of pursuasion. We know that since 9/11 there have been False Flags committed by the CIA and these can be picked apart with all their absurdities. If you're interested in sharing info, pictures and video clips visit the 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE facebook group and get involved. I hope there is enough material on this site to sink their ship in your minds. The next question is what do we do now? I'll answer: Wake the others. Show the material and get the lights on in the heads of people who are dead asleep. Try hard as you may, but if all fails, move onto the next person. Remember you and I are not conspiracy theorists. There's a monumental Conspiracy!!! And just because it was 22 years ago, doesn't matter. It is the most epic shit next to the Covid MRNA "vaccine" injuries and deaths, and this epic shit is losing steam. Reconnect with your old 9/11 buddies and tell them this: We can beat the New World Order. There are more people awake today than ever before.

James Easton