Ever hear the expression "They pulled the wool over your eyes"? This page is dedicated to the hoax of 9/11, the details that they fed us that are nothing but lies, fabrication and deception. We'll be covering the Osama Bin Laden bullshit story and the hijackers. What George Bush was doing at the gradeschool in Florida. This first video is from a series called THE NEW PEARL HARBOR and I edited the beginning of it, but the first 3 episodes spell out the level of dupage and coordination required even moreso than you would think to pull off the REAL 9/11.

"PAID LIARS" NPH Episodes 1,2,&3
You should watch the level of dupage and double dupage and even triple dupage of what happened on 911 starting off with the debunkers, and moving onto the Air "Defences" on 9/11, talking about Bush and Cheyne, and Mineta, Rumsfeld, the chain of command being ridiculously absent, the war games going on, the confusion, "INCOMPETENCE" Theory, on to the Hijackers, and their ridiculous piloting when they were deemed incapable of such feats, especially Hani Hanjour, the complete and utter lack of surveillance camera footage of any hijackers at Dulles or Boston Logan airports, to the Maximum speeds of the airplanes at sealevel, up to 200 knots faster than OVM the airplanes should have been ripped apart and fallen to the ground, to the Passengers on the planes who made "cell phone calls" though it was proven that cell phone calls were impossible above 10,000 feet going at 500 knots, the content of the calls, "IT'S A FRAME" by Cici Lyles a flight attendant... chilling to think of what happened to them, talks about operation Northwoods. This is a compelling study of 9/11 and it is worth a look from start to finish I was biting my nails in frustration and fury as the narrator laid it all bare. I especially despise the debunkers, especially the Italian one, who no doubt works for the Roman Catholic Church. God damn Popular Mechanics and all other so called debunkers, because they are bunk. I KNOW. The thing to take from all this is that the exercises, the planes, the hijackers were all smoke and mirrors. There were no planes on 9/11. -James Easton, uploaded 14th JULY 2023.