Israel is an evil terrorist country. They have a thirst for blood and they got some on 9/11. And all the wars in the Middle East fought by American soldiers gave Israel more blood and the opportunity to start the Greater Israel Project, whereby they would assimilate the neighboring countries of Iraq and Syria to expand their borders. Israel was founded on Palestine and since 1948 they have murdered countless Palestinians to take their land. Currently the people of Palestine that remain are relegated to the Gaza strip and the West bank. The Gaza Strip has been turned into an open air prison and Israel is an apartheid state.


There were MOSSAD (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service aka I.S.I.S) agents caught in New York on 9/11. About 60 were rounded up and detained, there were around 200 being detained altogether, only to be released when Head of newly formed Department of Homeland Security - dual citizen Israeli Michael Chertoff - released them after only 60 days. The famous Dancing Israelis were 5 guys spotted by a concerned citizen, who were dancing and cheering on the roof of their van when Tower 2 was coming down, and were later arrested on the New Jersey turnpike by Police. They were driving an Urban Systems Moving van in which the dogs smelled residue of explosives. Later back in Israel, they told their story to a popular Israeli tv show host, that they were there in New York to "document the event." This implies foreknowedge and their actions speak louder than words. Also to note were the Mossad agents with a truck full of explosives on the George Washington bridge which Police arrested. There was an Urban Sytems Moving van with a depiction of the Twin Towers and an airplane on it spotted in NYC. It goes without saying at this point that this information has been stripped from the internet if you use Google, or Bing and certainly YouTube has covered up Israeli tracks, where before this information was readily available. Mossad's motto is "By way of deception, thou shalt do war."


It was Israeli Mossad that planted all the bombs in the towers and at Building 7. They were chosen to keep things on the downlow. It was certainly Mossad posing as art students in the floors above 91 in Tower 1 that created napalm for the ejections of gas explosions in both towers at the time of the so called plane hits. Bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the towers in the days leading up to the 9/11 staged event. Larry Silverstein and the Port Authority conspired to have the buildings destroyed and Larry Silverstein is responsible for allowing all these Mossad terrorists into the buildings on numerous occasions. Larry Silverstein is good friends with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel for decades. It is most certain that Benjamin Netanyahu condoned and ordered Mossad to carry out their tasks to have the Twin Towers destroyed. It can also be said that Donald Trump was friends with both Netanyahu and Silverstein and is complicit in that he had foreknowledge.


Zionism was started in 1897. The premise was to take back the land of Israel for the Jewish people. In 1917 Lord Balfour made the Balfour declaration giving the rights to Jewish people to claim parts of Palestine. This was addressed to Lord Rothschild at the time. From then on Jewish colonists took the land of Palestine bit by bit, murdering the people that had lived there for centuries. In 1948 the state of Israel was founded. So the goals of Zionism reached, what purpose did it have afterward? They wanted more. A Zionist is a pro Israeli person. You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.